Length: 4 weeks
Location: Dalhousie 1G16 ITS 3, University of Dundee

Multiple Sequence Alignment and Analysis with Jalview

This workshop course employs talks and hands-on exercises to help students start using the versatile protein and nucleic acid alignment and visualisation software Jalview (developed within the School of Life Sciences). Over two sessions, we will cover launching Jalview, accessing sequence, alignment and 3D structure databases, creating, editing and analysing alignments, phylogenetic trees, visualisation of 3D structure data, and preparation of figures for presentation and publication.

Wednesday afternoons 13.00 to 17.00 on 3rd and 10th February, Dalhousie1G16 ITS 3

Protein Sequence Analysis

The aim of this workshop is to give an understanding of how best to use computational methods to “make sense” of the structure and function of your favourite protein. The workshop will introduce the principles of sequence analysis and its relationship to protein structure and function. It will highlight common methods and tools for protein sequence analysis and multiple sequence alignment will be explained. The workshop will include hands-on examples of methods that exploit evolutionary information to predict structural features from sequence and to identify functionally important residues by sub-family analysis.

Prerequisites: ‘Multiple Sequence Alignment and Analysis with Jalview’. If you can, please bring a well-specified laptop with you to the session and make sure it runs Jalview.

Wednesday afternoons 13.00 to 17.00 on 17th and 24th February, Dalhousie1G16 ITS 3

Date: 03-02-2016 to 24-02-2016

Course: Jalview Postgrad Computational Training

Location Dalhousie 1G16 ITS 3, University of Dundee

Duration: 4 weeks

Posted date: 2016-01-21