The Pymol Viewer

In Jalview 2.11.2, support was added for viewing structures opened via the "View Structure Data.." dialog with Pymol ( Like with Chimera and ChimeraX, Pymol views can be saved and restored from Jalview Project files on any machine with it installed, and structures can be coloured and superimposed according to the alignment.

Configuring Jalview to use Pymol
You can configure Pymol as your preferred structure viewer in Preferences. Jalview will look for an existing installation, and will ask you to specify the installation's path if it cannot be found. You can also optionally specify the path to the Pymol program here if you want Jalview to use a specific installation.

Jalview requires Pymol V 2.5.0 (community edition) or later
Jalview requires Pymol's RPC interface, which is not available in older versions of the Pymol community edition.

Known Limitations

Basic screen operations (see Pymol Wiki at for full details).
Action Windows Unix Mac/OSX
Rotate View Left Click and Drag Left Click and Drag Left Click and Drag
Zoom Right Click
drag mouse up or down
Right Click
drag mouse up or down
cmd or Right + Click and drag mouse up or down,
or use mouse scroll button
Move Origin Middle Button + Drag Middle Button and drag alt + Click
and drag
Select Residues Ctrl + Click (and drag to select a region) Ctrl + Click (and drag) Ctrl + Click (and drag)

Jalview Controls

The Jalview Pymol View window has up to five menus:


Jalview will try to automatically configure itself according to the configured Pymol installation (or the first one it discovers in the standard installation locations). You can see which Pymol executable is being used by enabling DEBUG output in Jalview's Java console.

If Jalview raises warning messages about Pymol not being located or executed, or no structures appear when Jalview launches Pymol, please ask for help on Jalview's discussion forum.

Pymol and Windows Firewall

Jalview and Pymol communicate using the Pymol's XML-RPC over HTTP interface (
Technically this requires both Pymol and Jalview to open ports on the local network, and this may be blocked by Windows Firewall with a warning message such as
"Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program" (where the program may be java.exe or javaw.exe).
To allow Jalview and Pymol to interact, you may need to add permission for the program to communicate over the network. This can be done from the warning dialogue, or in Control Panel, Firewall settings.