Viewing PDB Structures

Jalview can be used to view protein structures by following the steps below:
  1. Select the "3D Structure Data..." option from a sequence's pop-up menu to open the Structure Chooser dialog box.
  2. Selecting Structures
    If structures have been discovered, then some will already be selected according to predefined selection criteria, such as structures with the highest resolution. Use the drop down menu to select structures according to different criteria, or, alternatively, choose structures manually by selecting with the keyboard and mouse.
  3. To view selected structures, click the "View" button.
The Jmol viewer has been included since Jalview 2.3. Jalview 2.8.2 included support for Chimera, provided it is installed and can be launched by Jalview. The default viewer can be configured in the Structure tab in the Tools→Preferences dialog box.

Structure data imported into Jalview can also be processed to display secondary structure and temperature factor annotation. See the Annotation from Structure page for more information.

If a single PDB structure is selected, one of the following will happen:

Importing PDB Entries or files in PDB format
You can retrieve sequences from the PDB using the Sequence Fetcher. Any sequences retrieved with this service are automatically associated with their source database entry. For PDB sequences, simply select PDB as the database and enter your known PDB id (appended with ':' and a chain code, if desired).
Jalview will also read PDB files directly. Simply load in the file as you would an alignment file. The sequences of any protein or nucleotide chains will be extracted from the file and viewed in the alignment window.

Associating a large number of PDB files to sequences in an alignment
It is often the case when working with structure alignments that you will have a directory of PDB files, and an alignment involving one or more of the structures. If you drag a number of PDB files onto an alignment in the Jalview desktop, Jalview will give you the option of associating PDB files with sequences that have the same filename. This means, for example, you can automatically associate PDB files with names like '1gaq.pdb' with sequences that have an ID like '1gaq'.
Note: This feature was added in Jalview 2.7

Note for Jalview applet users:
Due to the applet security constraints, PDB Files can currently only be imported by cut and paste of the PDB file text into the text box opened by the 'From File' entry of the structure menu.

Viewing the PDB Residue Numbering
Sequences which have PDB entry or PDB file associations are annotated with sequence features from a group named with the associated PDB accession number or file name. Each feature gives the corresponding PDB Residue Number for each mapped residue in the sequence. The display of these features is controlled through the "View→Sequence Features" menu item and the Feature Settings dialog box.

Outstanding problem with cut'n'pasted files in Jalview 2.6 and Jalview 2.7
Structures imported via the cut'n'paste dialog box will not be correctly highlighted or coloured when they are displayed in structure views, especially if they contain more than one PDB structure. See the bug report at for news on this problem.