Category Topics

Jalview Announcements

Follow the Jalview Announcements category to receive major announcements and notifications of new releases.
To follow, go to the Jalview Announcements Category and click on the bell icon.

Jalview News

Featuring news from the Jalview team and Jalview community.

Jalview Discussion

A place to get help, talk about new features, or just speak to other Jalview users.

Jalview Developers

For people who are contributing to Jalview’s source and documentation.
If you want to get in touch with Jalview developers you can chat with us on Gitter (the Gitter icon is at the top of every Forum page).
You can also report bugs, other issues and make feature requests on the Jalview Issue Tracker.

Jalview in Schools

Post here to discuss or ask specific questions about the Jalview worksheets and other resources for schools, or if you have any other ideas about how Jalview could help in schools.
See Jalview Resources for Schools

Jalview Beta

The Jalview Beta category is specifically for reporting bugs and other problems with either the current
Jalview Test or
Jalview Develop

Jalview In Action

Jalview is used in research, teaching, and outreach all around the world. This category is for posts showcasing how people have used Jalview and JalviewJS in their own work.

Forum Feedback

Discussion about the Jalview Discussion Forum site, its organisation, how it works, and how we can improve it.